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WordPress Quick-start

Adding the mandera tracking-snippet to your WordPress website

To set up mandera for your website, you need to insert a short code snippet into the header section of your site. Here’s how to do it within 2 minutes:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Plugins” –> “Add new Plugin” and search for the free plugin WPCode:

2. Install and activate it. You can access the “Code Snippets”-section of the Plugin either by clicking on “Code Snippets” in your WordPress dashboard menu on the left side, or through “Plugins” and clicking on “Code Snippets” at the WPCode Lite entry. When you are in the Plugin dashboard, click on “Add New”, then “+ Add Custom Snippet” and then “HTML Snippet”.

3. Paste your mandera analytics tracking snippet in the 1st line of the field. Then switch the toggle at the top to “active” and press “Save Snippet” – done.

4. If you want to test if your tracking is working properly, you can go to your website now and click around on a few pages. At this point, data should show up in the mandera analytics dashboard.
