To enjoy the benefits of mandera, you need to register an account (hint: mandera comes with a 14-day free trial). Registering includes a few steps:
For any help with the registration process, please contact us.
To set up mandera for your website, you need to insert a short code snippet into the header section of your site. Place the snippet within the <head> … </head>
The snippet is unique to each website and contains a special code that allows mandera to collect data for your specific domain. This individual assignment ensures that your analytics data is captured accurately and securely.
If you are using WordPress, the fastest way wo install mandera is our WordPress Quick-Start Guide.
The simplest way to install mandera is via a WordPress plugin (for example WPCode or Head & Footer Code, both free) that allows you to add code to your <head> tag. Many WordPress themes and page-builders already have this functionality included, so you can add the snippet right away. From the WordPress dashboard, you can find the settings here for each theme/page-builder:
Navigate to Online Store > Themes > Actions “…” > Edit Code > Find the theme.liquid file (under Layout) and open it > Search for “</head>” in the file (search bar: “CMD + F” on Mac, or “CTRL + F” on Windows) > Now paste the mandera snippet just above the </head> tag > save
Click on “Settings” > Select “Tracking Tools” > Click “Manage” > Click “+ New Tool” > Choose “Custom” > Paste your mandera tracking code > Select “All Pages” for coverage > Choose “Load code once” > Select “Head” for placement > Click “Apply”
Open the Code Injection Panel > Paste your mandera tracking code in the Header section > save
During registration process, you will encounter a check if the mandera script is set up correctly. Optionally, you can skip this step and set up the tracking later. We recommend you simply opening your website in a new browser and clicking around on a few pages. This will already trigger the verification of your installation.